Alfred App Reviews

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Fun and Useful App

I hardly ever write reviews, but I just downloaded this app and am having a lot of fun playing with it. I have only used it for a few minutes and found it easy to use. You just type stuff into the box and up it comes whether it is a file, song, spelling, item on Amazon etc. it takes you right to it. I purchased the extensions Add on I like it so much.

App for the ages

Using this app since it first release, my productivity got better with time less time on searching more time on making and doing my work. For example if you look to my usage on my new mac pro "Since May 27, 2014, @alfredapp has been used 245 times. Average 22.3 times per day” and this just in 10 days and 1 from 5 macs I’ve. My point guys I’ve upgraded to Yosemite 10.10 OS and the new spotlight was impresive and got more amazing features “preview, history, etc..” What will you do to make me not switch to it. I hope to see improvment and massive upgrade soon. My Regards

Holy crap!! Awesome app!!

Best app I have ever downloaded -hands down- Awesome!! It would be even better if you could add the capability for an anchor button to hold allowing user to scroll up and down through the returned queries with the mouse or specified key (like “j” or “f” while holding shift for example), and then auto-open that link. But that would just be icing on the cake.

Great app

Great application - quick and easy setup, fast, smooth and easy to use. Alfred saved a lot of my time, you can search your system or websites in a second, and find everything you want. Go Alfred, keep up the best work!

More than amazing!

You need this. It is a game changer. Best productivity app I have ever used. Thank you! Love it

Very good application, I like it!

Very good application, I like it! There are many people have a good evaluation of it, so do I.

The First App You Should Buy

This is the first app I recommend to anyone upgrading to a Mac. It picks up where Quicksilver left off, and runs with it (and with crayons, apparently). It’s beautiful perfection – the developer drew the line between what a normal user _needs_ and what a power user _wants_, and then gave both exactly what they asked for. Whether you’re new to the Mac, or a longtime user, do yourself a favor, and buy this application: you’ll never go hunting through a folder for an application again; you’ll be able to call up contact information in seconds; and you’ll start learning to control your system without having to worry about _where things are_.


Works well and is very powerful. My new favorite app.

Changed my entire approach to using the computer

this application is outstanding! It has totally changed my approach to using both my laptop and my Mac Mini. It is fast, accurate and simple. the interface is way simple and not distracting from my tasks at hand. This is just one GREAT application. I really like that there is a version for my older Mac laptop and for my new Mac Mini so I have a pretty consistant interface between the two machines. This has reduced my use of the doc by about 80%! HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!

So much better then spotlight

Definitely speeds up productivity, I love how you can use it to make shortcuts to search in other websites or apps. Best app ever *The only thing that I dont is that I cant search my notes. Or if there is a way please someone tell me

Get the original one off of the website

The one off the website is much faster and works flawlesly.

Sleek, elegant and functional

Rarely an app becomes second nature. Some complex tools we use in a daily basis become that after a while. Photoshop, Illustrator, modo3D, InDesign. And now Alfred. Except Alfred is not complex, quite the oposite. I used to love and use TigerLaunch - a very basic, fantastic and useful freeware from 10 years ago (and still functional) but since I’ve started using Alfred, it has totally replaced TigerLaunch (and Quicksilver, by the way). Second nature to launch hidden apps and utilities, Alfred became a huge time saver for me. Wish I’ve discovered it earlier. : )

Best launcher to ever hit OS X

I used Quicksilver for years and loved it. Until it got abandoned and started crashing incessantly. When Google’s Quick Search Box came out (written by the same developer as Quicksilver) I was thrilled and switched immediately. Until it, too, got abandoned and started crashing incessantly. When the community came together to keep QS around as an open-source project, I switched back. And kept using despite the fact that it crashed incessantly because it was at least being maintained and was getting marginally better as time went on. And then I found Alfred. In 2.5 years of constant use, I can’t remember Alfred EVER crashing on me. It has all of the features that I loved and relied on in both QS and QSB, is much more polished, stable, and, after 2.5 years, development is still going strong. As of this writing, there are 810 ratings total, with 769 of those being 5 stars, and for good reason. The most telling thing I can really say about Alfred is that, after using the app for 2.5 years, and basically forgetting about it because it’s just always there, always doing its job, I actually WENT OUT OF MY WAY to find it in the App Store and write this review. There are VERY FEW apps that can claim that.

pretty Good Application, But…

This is an application that I feel every mac should have on it, but I wish that it could combide the features of finder into it. I would absolutly pay a few dollar fee if it included being able to search everything that finder can. Maybe they can have in app purchases and one could be including the features of finder and the other could be including the ability to create workflows. I will say it again. This app could be made 1 million times better if it could include the things that finder does.


Makes life so much easier. Removed the need to create shortcuts for everything I wanted to reach daily and cleaned up my desktop and dock. Now just got to get the girlfriend using it.

The Invaluable Tool

This amazing little app helps you find information when youre in the middle of a project and dont want to break focus. I use it to calculate math problems, check word spellings, lookup dictionary definitions, and search for files. The program runs continuously in the background, so its always available, and it activates/deactivates with a keyboard command, so you dont even have to pause to grab the mouse. I use it daily and cant imagine how I survived without it. Its like having Jeeves or the Star Trek computer at your disposal.

Most useful app on the app store

Alfred is so useful and intuitive it makes productivity much easier. I highly recommend.

can not such effectively and reliably

I have on regular bases tried a folder search and at best was sent to google amazon and alike as the result even when testing I had the folder where I could see it and it failed to find it even using a copy and paste failed. I tried to send a bug report with detailed direction for the problem with snap shots like they asked. Submitting a bug report is like getting a root cannal where the root cannel was far more preferable. I have a SN for their powerpack. I have done my best to make it work. The result of useing Alfred is so unreliable as to make it useless. Spotlight found the files and directories when Alfred Failed miserably. I strongly urge you not to invest in this product. maybe they are holding up for the next operating system to release a version which will work if so find anyother program, Utility or stick with spot light until then.

Simply Amazing.

Alfred is a very easy to use launcher. It looks far better than the default spotlight, and also performs better. It is overall faster and more responsive, and gives more freedom than any other launcher Ive used. Alfred is extremely reliable, it has never crashed once, and has great value. The "Powerpack" is a little overpriced for the features they give, but the free version has everything Ive needed. Spotlight is ugly and sluggish compared to Alfred, I will never go back. My only complaint it the minute or two it takes to start up after starting my computer. This is mainly due to the slow hard drive, but I am sure there are some improvements that could be made to Alfred to make it boot faster.


No update since May 2012? I feel like this app has been abandoned since it hasn’t been updated in over two years…

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