can not such effectively and reliably
I have on regular bases tried a folder search and at best was sent to google amazon and alike as the result even when testing I had the folder where I could see it and it failed to find it even using a copy and paste failed. I tried to send a bug report with detailed direction for the problem with snap shots like they asked. Submitting a bug report is like getting a root cannal where the root cannel was far more preferable. I have a SN for their powerpack. I have done my best to make it work. The result of useing Alfred is so unreliable as to make it useless. Spotlight found the files and directories when Alfred Failed miserably. I strongly urge you not to invest in this product. maybe they are holding up for the next operating system to release a version which will work if so find anyother program, Utility or stick with spot light until then.
Thomasb95 about