Alfred App Reviews

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某Quicksilv○rのようなキーボードランチャーです。Opt+Spaceキーで入力欄が出るので、そこで起動したいアプリ名(フォルダやドキュメントも可能)を入力し、呼び出す事が出来ます。インクリメンタルサーチですので、最初の2,3文字も入力すれば希望のアプリが出るでしょう。慣れると手放せなくなるツールです。 なお、デフォルトの設定ですと、Finderに表示されているアプリ名で検索されますので、例えば計算機を呼び出したい場合は「計算機」(あるいは頭文字の「計」)と漢字で入力する必要があり、日本語名のアプリだと手間がかかります。 そこで、AlfredのPreferencesからFeatures>Applicationsにある、「Search for apps by file system name」にチェックを入れると、アプリの英語名で検索をかけられるようになり、計算機の場合は「calculator」で引っかかるようになります。もちろん最初の数文字も入れれば出てきますから、こちらの方が便利だと思います。アプリの英語名が不明な場合はOSの言語環境を英語にし、再起動すれば判明します。大抵は「ターミナル」が「Terminal」とかなので、想像のつく範囲ですが。 ちなみにQuickSilverの時は入力時にいちいち英語入力に切り替える必要がありよく間違えたものですが、Alfredは良く考えられていて自動でIMを切り替えてくれる機能があります。PreferencesのExperimentalにある、Use Keyboardのメニューから「Romaji」を指定すれば、Alfred呼び出し時に自動で英語入力に切り替わってくれます。上記の「Search apps by file system name」を有効にした場合はこちらも設定すると良いと思います。 ついでに、Features>Applicationsにある、「Partial matching for Applications」にチェックを入れれば、思いっきり省略した入力でも検索出来るようになります。「FF」で「Firefox」が引っかかる、とかそんな感じです。 有料のPowerpack購入で機能が増える様ですが、無料のままでも便利すぎるくらい便利です。ぜひお試しあれ。

power packを買わない限りspotlightの方がいい

spotlightより効率的。おそらく。でも無料版はマック全体を検索してくれないので有料のpower packを買わないとspotlightの方が検索範囲が広い。特にこの無料版でmail.appの検索出来ないのは残念。だったらspotlightの方が良い。

HotKey 設定

Hotkey に Function Key が設定出来るようになれば、Spotlight 検索から乗り換えると思う。

Very Good

Certally the most used application in my Mac

Changed My Life

The title says it all. Im a recent convert to Mac and have loved using OS X. The system stays out of the way letting me get work done. With Alfred, however, my productivity exploded all over the screen. Quick lookups, app launches, and basic functions are just a few keystrokes away obviating the need for the touchpad. I couldnt imagine using any computer without Alfred now.


its pretty darn fast. good thing, because i easily get annoyed with slow applications.

Maybe it’s an App Store thing?

A friend recommended Alfred for clipboard management. Only one candidate “Alfred” in the App Store, but it appears that the clipboard management is actually part of an enhanced version sold separately and somewhere else. Whatever is going on, I’ve already spent FAR too long on this trivial problem, and my only concern now is how to uninstall Alfred. I would be glad to include more details, even mitigating data, but I’ve already learned about Apple’s censorship, so I believe that I can’t say more, even in mitigation. What I might be permitted to say is that, though mostly satisfied with my MacBook, I cannot imagine ever buying anything else from Apple. Period.

Great app

I didnt think i would use it but it is a wonderful app.

frankly speaking ...

its one of the best "small" apps i have ever used. I hope in future you will provide an api for developing personalized search results. great job

Must have

One of those must have, small apps you want to install just after running the system for the first time. Helps to run applications faster (and is MUCH smoother than the Spotlight), allow to create more specific shortcuts (i.e. go to custom URL).


There is Alfred 2, available on its official site.

Must have for all mac users

Great up, thank you!

Alfred vs QuickSilver

Pros: - The UI is clean, sleek and responsive - Actively under development as opposed to QuickSilver Cons: - The price of the "Power Pack" makes it a no-go for a lot of people, especially with a bunch of free alternatives. - Somewhat closed down, trivial features are in paid version (need to pay extra for file system navigation? cmon guys...) - Not clear how to extend / customize yet Verdict: staying with QuickSilver for now, but keeping an eye on it. Advice: cut the price for "power pack" and unlock revenue opportunity!

Why for?

Really dont understand why is it for? Spotlight does the same job. Quicker and better, i think. About the application itself - nice.

Must Have App for Mac os x

this is an amazing alternative for spotlight and a must have app. it is able to manage all quick actions of the system. *developer needs to updae this version with web site version. this one doesnt have a power pack option.

Really awesome!

I found this tool on some screencast and it was hard to find it because of no name mentioned in Alfreds window. This tool is awesome and very similar to Sublime Text 2 "Go To" dialogue. Really awesome. Thanks a lot to developers and to all involved people!

Very useful

Alfred is very useful and comfortable app for everyday usage.


Its amazing program!!!! I like it so much! Ive recomend it all my mac-friends! ------ Супер прога! Просто взрывает мозг! Рекомендую всем-всем-всем!

Great but dated

This is amazing, even the version 1 that this is. However you can get Alfred3 from their website. Not sure why it isn’t here but it adds customization and seemingly faster searches. Regardless would recomned!!

Seriously indispensible productivity tool after short learning curve

You are going to love Alfred. It takes a little time to get used to how to best Alfred things. But once youre in (after 2 days), youll never want to miss it ever again. Just discard spotlight and manual browser web searches and calculators and so on ….. However, Alfred 3 is actually better and not available in the Mac AppStore yet. It even has user workflows and user keyboard shortcuts including for iTunes or system calls. Very useful! Hey, Apple folks, this App is amazing, please approve Alfred 3 on the Mac AppStore! Hey, Alfred folks, please dont stop nagging Apple to approve Alfred 3! Just because it took me a while to find it: Font size is configurable if you push all kinds of option buttons on the appearance theme. Would be useful to allow priority hints on file search. If you have multiple versions of files (e.g. backup copies or older versions or svn branches or ….) then youd love to say "this folder is more important than that one". Maybe just allow priortiy ordering sources? Alfred will ultimately learn which ones you like though. Just would be easier with direct priorization. On some systems erratic files are shown if you search for them (mostly LaTeX files), which is annoying. But beginning the search with a tick does the trick.

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