Top of its class!
Ive been a nut for "launchers" since QuicKeys for Mac Os... 7? or so.
Since Mac OS X, Ive used Quicksilver, but it wasnt actively developed and slowly succumbed to entropy. Then I switched to Butler, which was pretty darned good, but I found much of it beyond simple application launching to be opaque, requiring a steep learning curve.
The free version is, well, free! But of course, I had a sunken investment into Butler, but I find that many of the facilities are easier to use, with better online help, in Alfred.
But what cinched the switch for me is that with an upgrade to the £15 Powerpack, I now can invoke shell scripts AppleScripts and other nifty things.
What Id like to see (and Ive pinged the developer about):
* Clipboard sharing between computers using Bonjour. The developer has expressed a concern about network traffic, but Im sure they can figure out how to deal with that. Until that time comes, Ill keep supplementing Alfred with the excellent, free "Scrapbook" multi-clipboard utility that lets you share clipboards on your LAN.
* Making clipboard actions and scripts available via a Service.
(BTW: you need to get Alfred Powerpack from Running With Crayons, Ltd. directly, since some of its capabilities seem to be at odds with Apples Sandboxing policy for the App Store.)
All in all, Im pretty happy with Version 1.0, and look forward to future enhancements and upgrades.
Jan Steinman about
Alfred, v1.0